SfN 2018: Looxid Labs finally displays the awaited LooxidVR at the biggest Neuroscience convention in San Diego!

Looxid Labs
4 min readNov 14, 2018

Visitors were eager to hear and learn more about the recently released LooxidVR and the crowd loved it!

After two years of hard work and the constant support from the public, Looxid Labs finally launched the LooxidVR on October, just in time for the SfN 2018. The response from the public was positive with a number of CEOs, professors, researchers, and students coming to take a look at the many possibilities that the LooxidVR can provide.

Among the 500+ exhibiting companies, we can confidently say that Looxid Labs was one of the few that used VR for neuroscience purposes, allowing us to stand out even more! Throughout the four days of the exhibitions, our team was busy introducing our product to curious visitors, answering questions from researchers, and talking about the potential of our product with CEOs and company managers.

Visitors were able to experience a basic example of how the LooxidVR could be used according to the content that they would create. The first part of the demo consisted of an eye-calibration system which our product integrates in order to detect the gaze position of the individual, later followed by a series of images of our product to demonstrate how the LooxidVR could be used to analyze the responses of the individual who is undergoing a questionnaire or survey. The last part consisted of a commercial of our product in which our system would be able to analyze and detect where an individual is focused on and what reaction they are undergoing based on the EEG signals detected by the EEG sensors in our device. Visitors were also able to participate in the spin the wheel giveaway where only one visitor won the free LooxidVR.

Happiness Challenge applications open until Dec. 14

We also launched the Happiness Challenge, Looxid Labs’ way of contributing to society by giving our device for free to selected individuals that have a great idea but not the means necessary to implement their research. Visitors and researchers were highly interested and we are very excited to see the ideas and manners which our device will be used!


How to order a LooxidVR

Do you want to experience new interfaces which enable you to detect how users are immersive in VR or engaged with VR content using their eye and brain interfaces? Are you a neuroscience researcher wanting to investigate human cognition and emotion using EEG and Eye-tracking technology? Then, the LooxidVR is the research tool you need! LooxidVR is designed to measure the user’s eye movements and brain activity in VR with eye-tracking cameras and EEG sensors to unveil the user’s underlying states

The SfN was a very fulfilling convention for us, with the positive responses from our visitors. We had a number of people who wanted to purchase the LooxidVR on the spot, but due to regulations, we were not allowed to sell or give our device on the spot. As of October of this year, our product has launched and purchases are available on our website http://looxidlabs.com/looxidvr/.



Looxid Labs

A tech start-up to develop a VR cognitive care solution aiming to early detect older people at-risk for dementia by collecting and analyzing user’s bio-signals.